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Hand throwing money into a pool at Eden Project

The planet is under threat endangering its ability to sustain life as we know it. We face many challenges: biodiversity loss, climate change, water pollution, and food security issues. But there is still time to turn things around. 

The Eden Project is a charity – we receive no statutory funding – and we work in the UK and internationally on transformative projects in the fields of education, community, and ecology. 

How you can help

To continue delivering our projects, we need you.

  • We help millions of people feel the magic of connection and community by getting together for a Big Lunch. A gift of £2.50 per month could provide 10 resource packs for neighbourhood organisers across the UK. 
  • We welcome up to 50,000 school children to Eden every year, helping teachers to connect their pupils with the natural world. A gift of £5 per month could help us run outreach events which inspire decision makers to understand the importance of outdoor education. 
  • The UK has lost 98% of its wildflowers since WWII. We make new habitats to support wildlife and pollinators and run conservation projects to bring threatened species back from the brink. Two donors giving £10 per month could pay for cleaning and seed storage facilities to preserve an entire species of native wildflower
  • Our Biome brings to life the importance of rainforests in influencing the world’s climate, and the crucial need to preserve them. Four donors giving £20 per month could sponsor an academic research internship into rainforest canopy biodiversity. 

Your gift will help support our area of greatest need, and no matter the size – every gift to Eden helps us to achieve our mission. 

If you can give a small, affordable amount every month, you’ll help us to plan for the future and run projects which make a difference to people’s lives and the planet. In return, you’ll receive a warm welcome from us and we’ll keep you updated on the projects we are working on through e-newsletters and the digital Eden Project Magazine – sharing expert advice, inspiring content and positive resources on how you can effect change as an individual.

Make a regular donation

Join our growing community of regular donors who believe in our mission. Together you make a big impact and help us plan for the future.

Make a single donation

Make an unrestricted gift to support our area of greatest need.


If you would like to speak to someone about making a donation, or would like to request a copy of our donation form to make a gift by BACS or cheque, please contact us on 01726 811910 or

Other ways to support us

Eden Project is registered with the Fundraising Regulator

Registered with Fundraising Regulator logo

We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator, which means we agree to follow the standards set out in the Code of Fundraising Practice.