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A collection of wind turbines out to sea with the sun setting in the background

Virtual Workshop: Climate Response

Climate change has been described as a ‘wicked problem’ and it’s incredibly challenging for us to know what to do for the best.

In this Virtual Workshop pupils get the latest on climate issues and investigate the different roles and ways of responding. Are you a doer, shopper, learner or shouter?

Our virtual workshops

Our virtual school trips are delivered online by a member of our Education Team just for your class. We’ll lead the session, delivering live activities, challenges and conversations with your class; supported by pre-recorded videos. We will provide all the resources and materials you need to support your learners in class. 


Workshop overview

We begin with an activity which creates discussion amongst the students and draws out any pre-existing knowledge, understanding and experiences linked to climate change. 

Following on from this we briefly review the science of climate change – the root cause of the problem and the likely impacts. We use a video of Eden’s Rainforest Biome which includes some models and analogies to help us to understand.

The majority of the session focuses on how we can all respond as individuals to the climate challenge by exploring the roles that we can take as doers, shoppers, learners or shouters. This is done using activities linked to various pieces of video content and group conversations. The focus is on efficacy – we can all do something and that doing something makes a difference.

Finally, we discuss how our own behaviour influences what other people do and that by working together we can demand that governments and business also take action and effect real change.

How it works

Learn with us in Cornwall

image credit

Top image credit: Nicholas Doherty, Unsplash