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School Workshop: Climate Challenge

The choices you make and the actions you take make a difference. Using working examples at Eden, students explore how we all, as individuals, can respond positively to the climate emergency and how significant our actions are in terms of influencing our peers, big business and government policies on adaptation and climate change mitigation.


Workshop overview

We begin in the classroom by clarifying the drivers of climate change and completing an activity which encourages students to discuss some of the potential impacts together with their locations and time scales involved. This highlights the fact that climate change will impact everyone, everywhere sooner or later.

From this point onwards, we take a solution-focused approach to the challenge faced whilst acknowledging that it is a very complicated issue. Students do this by exploring the site at Eden and investigating examples which illustrate how we can all, as individuals, be part of the solution.

Back in the classroom we share our learning and explore how through these actions we also influence the choices and actions of others – a snowball effect.

Finally, we investigate what the climate response might look like at a global level in terms of adaptation and mitigation strategies and importantly the mechanisms by which we as individuals and communities can influence policy makers and big business to adopt these approaches.

A visiting teacher

Visiting teacher

“ One of the most educationally rich venues to have taken groups to visit. I would hope all pupils at our school could visit on a rite of passage. ”

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