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Panel discussion during arts talk

Interweaving threads of migration and climate justice

Explore the interwoven connections between the climate crisis, migration, culture, tradition and memory in a day of talks and listening sessions.  

This is a partnership between the Eden Project, Art Reach and Counterpoints Arts, bringing artists Dhaqan Collective and Kaajal Modi to the Eden Project for a public programme exploring the themes of migration and climate justice.

These talks and sessions are free with valid Eden admission. For further information about this event please email

Image credit

Top image credit: Paul Gilbey for Counterpoints Arts

People at an event sat down and having a conversation

Above the desert and below the water: panel discussion

Time:  11am–12.30pm
Location: Tipi

Join us for a panel discussion addressing the themes of migration and climate justice in relation to oral traditions and memory. 

This discussion will be facilitated by Jelena Sofronijevic, and will be recorded and hosted on the EMPIRE LINES podcast, featuring Fozia Ismail and Ayan Cilmi from Dhaqan Collective, artists Kaajal Modi and Sovay Berriman, as well as environmental humanities university lecturer Jim Scown. 

Image credit: Shona Goolab

Kaajal Modi_Songs of the Water

Below the water: waterway listening with Kaajal Modi

Time: 1.30–3pm
Location: Tipi*

In this session, join artist and researcher Kaajal Modi, and take part in “embodied listening”, featuring field recordings from waterways around Britain, including migration stories and reflections from marginalised communities.   

*This session has limited capacity, so participation will be on a first-come-first-served basis. It will begin and end in the Tipi, with a guided visit to the Outer Gardens pond.

Artwork House of Weaving Songs by Dhaqan Collective

Above the desert: listening session with Dhaqan Collective

Time:  2–3.30pm
Location: Tipi*

Join artists Fozia Ismail and Ayan Cilmi, from the Dhaqan Collective, for an engaging listening session, which will highlight the significance of Somali women’s weaving songs and oral storytelling traditions. You will be guided through an audio soundscape that explores the cultural importance of the Galool tree, and concludes with networking and Somali hospitality. 

*This session will begin and end in the Tipi, with a guided visit to the Mediterranean Biome. 

About the contributors
